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Start selling online!

Easily set up a sales site to develop your business.

Create your sales site on Faroty Business Pages

Your website is online in just a few minutes without any prerequisites.

Create website

Easily create your online sales website.

Sell everywhere

Sell your items nationwide.


Chat directly with your customers from your sales site

How do I create my website?

Put your items online and develop your business from home.

Do you have any questions?

Our technical team based in Douala, provides free and quick help for in-depth questions about the creation of your website.

Each request is treated individually and personalized by message in less than 48 hours. In addition, a chatbot answers your questions and advises you on good web practices 24/7.

How to contact us? >

Follow our online content on the creation and management of sales sites to better manage your own.

So what are you waiting for?

Start today!